The Blog
Welcome to the Faulkner Morgan Archive blog—your source for stories, updates, and insights into Kentucky’s LGBTQ history. Here, we share news about our latest projects, events, exhibitions, and archival discoveries. Stay connected with us as we celebrate the past, engage with the present, and preserve the rich cultural heritage of our community. All the latest from FMA can be found right here!

FMA Endowment, New Intern, and Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon!
During this time of uncertainty, FMA is continuing our work of sharing Kentucky’s long and rich LGBTQ history—the struggles and the joy!
Meet Our Spring 2025 Collections Intern!
We are thrilled to welcome Natalie Warren to the Faulkner Morgan Archive team as our Spring 2025 Collections Intern! To help you get to know Natalie a little better, we sat down for a fun and insightful Q&A session.
FMA Interviewed for Encyclopædia Britannica
We are so excited and grateful to have been interviewed for a video created by Encyclopædia Britannica!!! We hope this shows people the hope that can come from looking to the magical history of our LGBTQ community.
What An Exciting October!
In November, we turn our thoughts towards gratitude, and at FMA that's really easy to do!
Kicking off LGBTQ History Month
October is jammed pack with exciting events, talks, workshops, and fundraisers to celebrate LGBTQ History Month!
LGBTQ History is Taking Over!
You'll see FMA everywhere this fall! And while we are still a couple of months away from LGBTQ History Month, we have already started creating exciting events, programs, and exhibitions.
Happy Pride Month!
We have some exciting programming planned, so stay tuned and join us as we celebrate pride all summer long!
Continuing our Celebration of Henry's 100th!
2024 has already been such an exciting--and busy--year for us at FMA! As we continue celebrating Henry Faulkner's 100th Birthday, we have several big announcements, including the premier of the first feature-length film on Henry!
$100,000 for Henry's 100th Birthday
One of Henry Faulkner’s most famous quips was “save the seeds, children. Save the seeds.” Henry knew that a small investment now can have an immense impact on the future.
Here, Black, Femme, & Queer
In our work of telling Kentucky’s LGBTQ history, it is important to recognize the immense impact of the Black, queer community.
Images Of An Icon: Photographs of Marsha P. Johnson
The Faulkner Morgan Archive is excited to unveil these newly acquired, never-before-seen photographs of queer legend Marsha P. Johnson from the estate of renowned Kentucky-born photographer Leee Black Childers.
Shea Metcalf, Andy Warhol, and a Pair of Underwear
This pair of underwear, signed by Andy Warhol, has become a signature artifact of the Faulkner Morgan Archive.
The Country Returns
On June 17th, 2021 the sun shined bright and strong. After a year of confinement, and months of the vaccination process, everyone was ready to get out. There was something else coming out that day, or rather, reemerging: The Country.
Welcome home, Edward!
Faulkner Morgan Archive, Inc., announces a substantial gift from The Forbes Collections.
Divine plays Lexington
One of our favorite new artifacts! This ticket to see Divine perform at Lexington's Cafe LMNOP in 1986 was given to us by its original owner during Trippin' Thru The Dew, our October fundraiser.
History in the News: FMA and the Kentucky Historical Society
The Kentucky Historical Society was on hand for June’s marker dedication, and they made this great video of the event!